Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Choose A University Abroad

To you who are preparing to study abroad we provide tips on choosing the university as for the tips include:

1. Define Target. Specify in the State where you want to go to college anymore. In any neighboring country or to countries outside the Asia-nation bloc to provide more attractive scholarships. If you do not have a target, meaning you do not have the focus point. This causes can effort you make will be half-half. So, set a target first!
2. Select Specialization. Do not forget to think about the desired field of study. Not the majors, but who want to specialize occupied. This  you can set based on previous studies that you take based on the field or current job duties that you worked. You also  choose fields of study are completely different from the educational background, but really you're interested. Initial set of fields that you like and many are learning about it. Choosing a college program that suits your interests and abilities would be more fun. At the time of study would not have trouble even finding pleasure. One thing in choosing a college program, although suitable to their talents and hobbies, you should still have to consider  labor market and trends3. Consider Field of Study For Scholarship. Do not forget to consider the interests of scholarship provider agency. Create a priority on areas of study what interests you and in accordance with policy directives scholarship provider. It would be beneficial for your guidance. State offers scholarships to a substantial quota each year. For example, Japan, Germany, France, USA, Switzerland, Australia and others. Diligent to browse the internet to find out opened and closed.
4. Search information. To learn more about courses and universities abroad your dream, you need to find as much information as possible. Use the internet to facilitate the search, including scholarship information you need. Can also find information on the university website. Many overseas universities that offer scholarships for specific programs with project-based funding, partnership, or foundation. From the university website, go to the research group. Usually a lot of labs or research groups that offer positions for graduate student with a project-based funding. The advantages of this method is you can directly target the university ideal.
5. Choice of location. Campus locations should also be a major consideration, because you are going to college and lived here at least 2-4 years. Consider also whether  campus locations close to work, the business community. Find out how the social environment, weather and others deemed necessary. You can ask relatives or friends who already live there. Can search for data and browsing through books.
6. Ranking. For some students, school rankings are important, including the ranking of programs / departments at the university in question. Many think the ranking indicates the quality of education will be accepted. In some cases, this may be true. Note, however, how a program is  ranking. For example, universities that have high rankings are usually due to availability of facilities and other resources at the university. As a consequence, the student must pay the cost of expensive or university will receive more students so that the ratio of the number of students in one class to be great. Consequently, this will create difficulties in capturing student learning.
7. Improve English. One of the requirements to study abroad or get a scholarship abroad tends to have good English language skills. The better your English, the more extensive opportunity to apply to many universities. For information, S2 overseas generally require TOEFL PBT min. 550 or IELTS 6.0. Take the test ahead of time (2-6 About a month before the deadline) so that when you apply for it later is not confused with the affairs of this test. If necessary, take another foreign language course, if you choose a school in the State who do not use English as primary language.
8. Study Plan. Make a study plan or plan of study and a good motivation letter and 'sell'. The second letter is an important point, and here you will  how to speak. Make a description of the scientific, systematic, honest and reflect your strengths.
9. Letter of Recommendation. To be more convincing ask for letters of recommendation. The higher structural position, the greater your chances. Should hold S3. It would be great if the referrer is a department head or dean (if you're on campus)
10. Create Contact. To universities abroad, there is usually a link or the Prospectus Students International Students are very important to be explored. In this link, will explain the information that is important for students , ranging from a field of study, curriculum, tuition fee, the city / town guide. When the university opened the link, try to make contact with staff at the university. Begin  e-mail to them. Introduce yourself politely and express your interest position. Do not forget to mention your achievements and strengths of others. If not returned, do not despair, there are many others. Indeed, the time required to establish contact long enough. So prepare your patience


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