Sunday, April 15, 2012

Educational Research Methods Part 1

The research method is closely related to procedures, techniques, tools, and research designs used. The study design should match the chosen research approach. Procedures, techniques, and tools used in research should fit well with established methods of research. Prior to the study conducted, researchers need to answer at least three main questions, namely:
1. Work sequences or procedures of what to do in carrying out the research ?

2. Tools (instruments) what is to be used in measuring or in collecting the data and what techniques will be used in analyzing data ?

3. How to carry out such research ?

The answers to these questions is to give precedence to the researchers who continue to work carried out in a study. This helps researchers to control the activities or stages as well as easier to know the progress of activities (process) studies.
Research methods including research design describe the procedure or steps to be taken, time of the study, data sources, and in what way the data is obtained and processed / analyzed. In practice there are a number of methods commonly used for research purposes. will be briefly presented some simple research methods are often used in educational research.

1. Descriptive Research
Descriptive research is research that attempted to describe a phenomenon, event, events that occurred while now. Descriptive studies focus on actual problems as they are at the research progresses. Through the descriptive study, researchers tried to describe the events and happenings at the center of attention without giving special treatment to the event. Variables under study may be single (one variable) and one can also more variable.
Descriptive study according to their characteristics have certain steps in its implementation. These steps are as follows:

    Formulation of the problem. Any research method must start with a problem, namely the submission of research questions whose answers must be sought to use the data from the field. Questions problems contain variables that were analyzed in this study. In a descriptive study to determine the status of researchers studied the relationship between the variable or variables.
    2. Determine the type of information required. In this case researchers need to determine what information is needed to answer questions or concerns that have been formulated. Whether quantitative or qualitative information. Quantitative information regarding the data or information in the form of numbers / figures like.
    Determine the data collection procedures. There are two elements necessary research, the instrument or data collection tool and source of the data or samples from which the information should be obtained. In research there are a number of data collection tools include tests, interviews, observation, questionnaires, sosiometri. Such tools are commonly used in descriptive research. For example, to obtain information about the steps the teacher teaches, the right tool or instrument used is an observation or observation. Another way that may be used are interviews with teachers about teaching steps. In order to obtain a clear sample, the research problem should be formulated as specific as possible so that gives a definite direction to the instruments and data sources.
    Specify the information or data processing procedures. Data and information has been obtained with selected instruments and data sources or certain samples is still a rough information or data. Information and data need to be processed so that materials can be used to answer the research question.
    Draw conclusions. Based on the above data processing, the researchers concluded the results of descriptive research by answering the research questions and synthesize all these answers in a conclusion that summarizes the overall research problem.

2. Case Study
The case study is essentially an intensive study of an individual or group who have seen a particular case. For example, studying in particular the head of discipline in schools that did not work. To the case study research in depth and over a period long enough. Depth, meaning that reveals all the variables that can cause the occurrence of various aspects of the case. The main pressure in the case study is why people do what he did and how his behavior in the condition and its impact on the environment.
To uncover the principal issues that are not disciplined researchers need to find data regarding the experiences of the past, present, that shape the environment, and link variables relating to his case. Data obtained from various sources such as colleagues, teachers, even from himself. Very comprehensive technique to obtain data such as behavior observation, interviews, documentary analysis, tests, and others depend on the cases studied. Each data is accurately recorded, then reviewed, linked to each other, if need be discussed with other researchers draw conclusions before the cause of the case or matter indicated by the individual. The case study suggests the qualitative research.
Advantages of case studies from other studies is that researchers can study the subject in depth and thorough. However according to the nature of case studies that the information obtained by its nature subjective, meaning only to the individual and not necessarily be used for the same case in other individuals. In other words, the generalization of information is very limited use. The case study is not to test the hypothesis, but instead the results of case studies can generate hypotheses that can be tested through further research. Many theories, concepts and principles can be generated and the findings of case studies.

3. Survey Research
Survey research is widely used for solving the problems of education including the importance of education policy formulation. Its main purpose is to collect information about the variables of a group of objects (populations). Survey with coverage of the entire population (the object) is called a census. While the survey is part of the population studied is called the sample survey. For the purposes of education, the survey reveals the problems usually related to how many students are enrolled and accepted at a school? What is the average number of students in one class? How many teachers who have met predetermined qualifications? Quantitative questions such as the necessary basis for planning and problem solving in school education. In the next phase can also be done a comparison or analisis relationship between these variables.
Surveys can also be performed to determine variables such as opinions, perceptions, attitudes, achievement, motivation, and others. For example, the principal's perception of the autonomy of education, teachers 'perceptions of the curriculum, parents' opinion about the MBS, and others. Researchers can measure these variables in a clear and definite. The information obtained may be an important thing for certain groups, although less so useful to science.
Surveys in both education benefits to solve many practical problems as well as to the material in formulating educational policy even for the study of education in relation to development. Through this method can be expressed in actual problems and describe it, study the relationship between two variables or more, comparing existing conditions with predetermined criteria, or assess the effectiveness of a program.

4. Correlational studies
As with any survey, other descriptive methods are often used in education is the study of the correlation. This study links two or more variables, namely the extent to which variation in one variable associated with variation in another variable. The degree of relationship variables declared in a single index called the correlation coefficient. Correlation coefficient can be used to test hypotheses about the relationship between variables or to declare large-small relationship between two variables.
Correlation studies aimed at testing the hypothesis, carried out by measuring the number of variables and calculate the correlation coefficient between these variables, in order to be determined which variables are correlated. For example, researchers want to know which variables in which if related to the professional competence of the principal. All variables that are related (eg, educational background, academic supervision, etc.) are measured, then calculated the correlation coefficient to determine which variables most strongly linked to the principal's managerial skills.
Strength of the relationship between the study variables indicated by the number of correlation coefficient varies between -1 to +1. Correlation coefficient is a quantity that is obtained through a statistical calculation based on a data set of measurement results of each variable. Positive correlation coefficients indicate a directly proportional relationship or alignment, a negative correlation coefficient indicates the relationship or non-inverted. The number 0 for the correlation coefficient showed no relationship between variables. The larger the correlation coefficient in both the positive and negative direction, the greater the strength of the relationship between variables.
For example, there is a positive correlation between IQ variables with learning achievement; implies a high IQ will be followed by higher learning achievement, in other words there are parallels between IQ with learning achievement. Conversely, a negative correlation indicates that high value on one variable will be followed by a low value on another variable. For example, there is a negative correlation between absenteeism (absenteeism) and learning achievement; implies that the high attendance will be followed by a low learning achievements, in other words there is a misalignment between absences with learning achievement.
In a correlational study, there are at least two variables must be measured so that it can be seen to do. In addition, it can also analyze the relationship between three variables or more.
Significance of a correlation of r is denoted in lower case (small) can contain three things. First, the strength of the relationship between variables, the second, the statistical significance of the relationship between the two variables, and the three-way correlation. Strength of the relationship can be seen and the size of the correlation index. Value near zero means that the weak link and the reverse value approaching one indicates the strength of the relationship.
Factor of considerable influence on the size of the coefficient of correlation is the reliability of the instruments used in the measurement. Learning outcomes tests are too easy for clever children and stupid too difficult for children will result in a smaller correlation coefficient. Therefore, instruments that do not have a high reliability will not be able to express the degree of meaningful or significant relationship.

5. Experimental Research
Experimental research can be defined as a systematic method to build a relationship that contains a causal phenomenon. Experimental research is the core method of the research model that uses a quantitative approach. In the experimental method, researchers must conduct three requirements, namely to control, manipulate events, and observations. In experimental studies, researchers divided the object or subject under study into two groups: treatment group who received treatment and control groups that did not get treatment. Characteristics of experimental research are:

    Manipulate / change systematically under certain circumstances.
    Control variables that control the conditions of the research when the course of the manipulation
    Observation is to measure and observe the results of manipulation.

Experimental studies on the preparation process with other types of research. Can be seen explicitly as follows:

    Inductively reviewing related issues to be solved
    Identifying the problem
    Conducted a study relevant, research hypotheses, determine the operational and variable definitions.
    Creating research plans include: identification of variables that are not needed, determine how to control variables, selecting the proper experimental design, determine the population and selecting the study sample, divide the subjects into a control group and experimental group, make the appropriate instrument, identifying the data collection procedures and define the hypothesis.
    To conduct the experiment (giving treatment in the experimental group)
    Collect data from experiments
    Classify and describe the data of each variable
    Perform data analysis with appropriate statistical techniques
    Make a report experimental studies.

In experimental studies the researcher must make at least one of these variables the hypothesis that a causal relationship between the variables that occur. The variables studied included the independent variables and the dependent variable is explicitly defined by researchers since the beginning of the study. In the areas of learning such as those identified as independent variables include: method of teaching, a variety of reinforcement, the frequency of reinforcement, education infrastructure, learning environment, learning materials, the number of study groups. While the dependent variable identified, among others: student learning outcomes, student readiness, student independence.

6. Action Research
Action research is a form of self-refleksi research conducted by participants in social situations (including education) to improve the practice in itself. Thus is obtained an understanding of these practices and situations where the practice is carried out. There are two essential study the improvement actions and involvement. It is directed purpose of action research into three areas: (1) To improve the practice, (2) For professional development in terms of improving the understanding / ability of practitioners to the practice of execution, (3) To improve the situation or circumstances in which such practices implemented.

Action research aims to uncover the cause of the problem and provide steps to problem solving. Principal steps taken to form a cycle until she feels there is a repair. The first cycle and subsequent cycles are: (1) determining the focus of the research problem, (2) the corrective action plan, (3) implementation of corrective action, observation and interpretation, (4) analysis and reflection, and (5) planning a follow-up. Given the magnitude of the benefits of action research in education, specific description will be described in a separate matter.

7. Methods of Research and Development (R & D)
Research and Development or Research and Development (R & D) strategy or method is powerful enough research to improve practice. The definition of Research and Development or Research and Development (R & D) is a series of processes or steps in order to develop a new product or improving an existing product in order to be accountable. These products are not always shaped objects or hardware (hardware), such as books, module, a learning tool in the classroom or in the laboratory, but could also software (software), such as computer programs for data processing, learning in the classroom, library or laboratory , or models of education, learning, training, coaching, evaluation, management systems, and others.

Research in the field of education in general are rarely directed at the development of a product, but is intended to discover new knowledge regarding the phenomena that are fundamental, and educational practices. Research and development is a method of connecting or disconnect the gap between basic research with applied research. Often faced the gap between basic research results which are theoretical with applied research that is practical. This gap can be eliminated or connected with the research and development. In the implementation of research and development, there are several methods used, the method: descriptive, evaluative, and experimental.

Descriptive research is used in initial studies to collect data about existing conditions. Existing conditions include: (1) The condition of products that already exist as a comparison or base material (embryos) products to be developed, (2) The condition part of the user (in the field of education such as schools, teachers, principals, students, and other users), (3) Condition factors supporting and inhibiting the development and use of the product to be produced, covering the element of educators and educational personnel, facilities, cost, management, and educational environment in which the product will be applied.

Evaluative method, used to evaluate the product in the process of testing the development of a product. Research products developed through a series of tests and trials on each activity conducted an evaluation, whether the evaluation results and the evaluation process. Based on the findings of the trial results was held refinement (revised model).

Experimental methods used to test the efficacy of the products produced. Although in the test phase has been no evaluation (measurement), but the measurement is still within the framework of product development, there is no comparison group. In addition to experimental measurements have been conducted on all experimental groups in the comparison group or control group. Selection of the experimental group and control group was randomly or random. The comparison of experimental results in both groups may indicate the level of efficacy and the resulting product.