Universally, there are three types of knowledge that has been underlying human life, namely: (1) logic that can distinguish between right and wrong, (2) ethic that can differentiate between good and bad, and (3) aesthetic that can distinguish between the beautiful and ugly. Sensitivity of the senses you have, the basic capital in acquiring knowledge.
One form of human knowledge is scientific knowledge commonly called a "science". Science is the knowledge, but not all knowledge can be said of science. Science is knowledge that is based on two theories of truth is coherence and correspondence. Coherence states that something is said is true statement if the statement is consistent with previous statements. Coherence in the knowledge gained through a logical approach or think rationally. Correspondence states that a correct statement if the statement is said to be based on fact or reality. Coherence in the knowledge gained through the empirical approach or depart from the facts. Thus, scientific truth must be described in a rational and empirically proven.
Coherence and correspondence underlie how knowledge gained has given birth to a scientific truth. Process to gain knowledge in order to have truth values must by way of rational thinking based on logic and empirical thinking based on facts. One way to gain knowledge is through research. Many definitions of research depending on your point of view of each. Research can be defined as an effort to find the correct answer to a problem based on the logic and supported by empirical facts. Can also be said that the research is the work being carried out systematically through the process of data collection, data processing, and draw conclusions based on data using specific methods and techniques.
The expression above implies that the research is a systematic step in the effort to solve the problem. The study was a controlled study that contains two main things that is logical thinking and the data or information collected empirically (Sudjana, 2001). Logical thinking appears in a systematic steps ranging from collecting, processing, analysis, interpretation and testing of the data to obtain conclusion. Empirical information to say if the source data portray the fact that there is not just a thought or engineering research. The study combines rational thinking based on the logic / reasoning and empirical ways of thinking based on facts / reality.
Research in an effort to obtain the truth must be based on scientific thought processes the scientific method. The scientific method is a framework for the creation of the foundation of scientific knowledge. Research conducted using the scientific method contains two important elements of the observation (observation) and reasoning (reasoning). The scientific method is based on the premise that if a statement to be accepted as true the statement must be verified or empirically verifiable (factual).
There are four basic steps of scientific method which will underpin the research steps are:
Formulating the problem; ask questions to look for the answer. Without the research problem will not occur, because the study was conducted to solve the problem. Formulation of research problems generally posed as a question ..
Propose a hypothesis; suggested answers while (still conjectural) to the questions posed earlier. Research hypotheses can be obtained by examining the various theories related to the field of science which is used as the basis for the formulation of the problem. Researchers trace the various concepts, principles, generalizations of some literature, journals and other sources related to the problem under study. Study of the theory is the basis in formulating the right frame of mind so that hypotheses can be proposed as an alternative answer to the problem.
Verification data; collect empirical data and then process and analyze data to test the truth of the hypothesis. Directed type of data required by the meaning implicit in the formulation of hypotheses. The necessary empirical data is data that can be used to test the hypothesis. In this case, researchers must determine the type of data, from which the data is obtained, as well as techniques for obtaining data. The data collected was processed and analyzed in ways that meet certain validity and reliability of the materials to test the hypothesis.
Draw conclusions; determine the definitive answers to any questions posed (accept or reject the hypothesis). Hypothesis test results are the findings of research or study. Synthesized the research findings are discussed and then concluded. The conclusion is the answer to the formulation of research problems that are arranged in the form of propositions or statements that have been proven true.
By following the steps above, scientific research is an activity undertaken to assess and solve a problem using a systematic procedure based on empirical data. Based on the above process, starting from step review of the theory to the formulation of hypothesis, including rational thinking or deductive reasoning. While the verification of the data to the generalization is a process of inductive thinking. The process is a form of scientific thought process. That is why the study regarded as the operationalization of the scientific method.
To obtain a scientific truth, must contain elements of scientific research in their activities. The study, carried out by means of scientific research activities are based on scientific namely:
Rational: scientific inquiry is something that is reasonable and affordable by human reasoning.
Empirical: use certain methods that can be observed someone using the five senses.
Systematically: using a process with certain steps that are logical.
Scientific research does not say if it does not use logical reasoning, but using the principle of chance, trial and error, speculation. Such means are not exactly used for the development of a particular profession or science. One study said to be good (in a scientific sense) if it follows the ways that have been determined and implemented by the element of intent is not by chance.
Commonly found in everyday life concepts that are less precise in meaning of research include:
Research is not simply data or information gathering activities. For example, a school principal intends to conduct research on the educational background of parents of students at his school. The school principal is not to say do some research but merely collect data or information only. Collecting data is only one part of a series of activities of the research process. The next step should be done so that the principal activity is to research is to analyze the data. The data have been obtained can be used for example to investigate the influence of the educational background of parents of student achievement.
Research is not just the fact of moving one place to another.
General Purpose Research
The above description shows that the distribution of research is human curiosity to something / problem by performing certain actions (such as checking, reviewing, studying it carefully / earnest) to obtain a finding of truth, the answer, or the development of science. Associated with science, can be put forward three general research objectives are:
Exploratory purposes, the research conducted to find something (science) is new in a particular field. Knowledge gained through research really new has never been known before. For example, a study has produced criteria for effective Leadership in MBS. Another example is the research that produced a new method of learning mathematics is fun students.
Verifikatif purpose, the research conducted to test the truth of something (knowledge) that already exist. The research data obtained is used to prove the existence of doubts about the flow of information or specific knowledge. For example, a study conducted for the influence of emotional intelligence on leadership style. Another example is the research conducted to test the effectiveness of teaching methods that have been developed outside the country if implemented in Indonesia.
The development objectives, the research conducted to develop something (knowledge) that already exist. The study was conducted to develop or deepen existing knowledge. For example, research on the implementation of the inquiry method in teaching social studies that have previously been used in science learning. Another example is research on quality assurance systems (Quality Assurannce) in the organization / education units that have previously been successfully in business organizations / companies.
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