Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Islamic Education In Indonesia

Understanding the context of Islamic education in Indonesia is not enough just to see that Islamic education is a subsystem of national education. However, Islamic education as well as a separate entity that has an academic tradition and culture that is different from the characteristics of education in general. Among the substantive characteristic is, that Islam is built on the basis of education and awareness of the Muslim faith to be a devout Muslim personal ('abdullah, Caliph fi al-ard). So, naturally if the knowledge and insight into Islam is an absolute prerequisite that must be shared by all Muslims. This kind of awareness and a vital elan among religious leaders that independently facilitate the implementation of Islamic education in the community, both individually and collectively-collegial (religious organizations, al-hour al-`Yeah diniyah).

Cottage (Arabic: funduk) or boarding an embryo at the beginning of genuine tradition of Islamic education in Indonesia. The traditional form of Islamic education is up to now it still survives, although constantly and massively eroded by modernization, globalization, and even hit the capitalization of education today. However, the most alarming fact of the transformation of Islamic education is not solely on the institutional aspects, but on the decline of the values ​​of the vein of Islamic education in Indonesia. Bad consequences of the most unfavorable for the existence of institutional Islamic education is fading values ​​of independence and sincerity in providing education by religious leaders. While on the other hand, shifting the orientation of the leading educational institutions in the fabrication process which will only give birth to human beings and robots without the dry of religious morality.

Such concerns are certainly not excessive, given the current public expectations of the education system there are more materialistic tendency, rather than ideal-moralistic. It is probable that we have encountered many parents are more afraid if one day their children can not get a proper job, rather than more afraid her son would be a corrupt person. In practice, it is necessary to provide education supplay and demand attention. However, compliance with the demands of society and education should not be sacrificed to accommodate the educational ideals of  humanizing human and the civilizing process.

In the middle of the intersection that sort of thing interests, institutions of Islamic education is potentially capable of meeting the demands of modern society in a global era, as well as a beacon in the strengthening of values ​​and religious morality. Indeed, entering the 20th century a massive transformation in the body of Islamic education in Indonesia. Although not completely abandoned the traditional style of boarding school education, but the modernization of the body has a lot to change sense of boarding schools into public schools as the madrasah. Nurcholish Madjid (late), Abdurrahman Wahid (late), Karel Steenbrink, Zamachsyari Dhofier, and Azyumardi Azra are some writers who just managed to photograph the modernization process that occurs in the body boarding until then was born the pattern of Islamic education in madrasah. Institutional transformation in the body boarding in many aspects of educational reform is to bring a positive spirit, especially with the opening of the boarding school paradigm in capturing the spirit of the age (zeitgeist). This, of course, the momentum for Muslims to study disciplines outside religious subjects that become the only translation of "al-` tholabu ilmi faridhatun ... " (Studying liabilities) which must be understood (fardlu `ayn). While understanding and skills in disciplines outside fardlu kifayah seen, perhaps even a sunnah.

Later, the discussion about the existence of Islamic education is no longer dwell on the substantive aspects-academic, but the mengkerucut the formative-institutional aspects. This is because the existence of Islamic education in various patterns and shapes are accommodated in the national education system (Law no. 20 of 2003). However, in situations where there is fusion of Islamic education in the national education system, of course we must continue to strengthen the spirit and ideals of the early to fortify the Muslim community with the values ​​of religion and morality. Do not let the demands of the professional world of work and the sole purpose of providing education, but at the same time forget the role of education in transmitting religious values ​​and national culture.

Revitalization of Islamic Education

In quality, the demands of society in the era of globalization on the Islamic educational institutions are no different from that faced by educational institutions in Indonesia in general, given the increasing levels of competition for graduates in the workforce. However, the scope of the vast Islamic education, which operate at the school, public school, and has traditionally been at the school and taklim assemblies, the better the educational potential. This is considering the use of information and communication technologies (Information and Communication Technology) in education is helpful in improving the education service excellence, both administratively and academically.

Meanwhile, the diversification of Islamic education is characterized by the strengthening of the disciplines of the humanities and social (human and social sciences), and natural sciences (natural sciences) further prove the equivalence of Islamic educational institutions with public schools. Although education is a fundamental locus of Islam lies in religion and religious education. Precisely thus science graduates of Islamic educational institutions are expected to have more value (added value) even comparative advantage (comparative advantage), in the form of insight and knowledge of Islam is relatively better.

Hope to have more value to the institution of Islamic education is certainly not a simple matter. There are a number of requirements that must first be met to achieve that target. In terms of curriculum, for example, we may not make Islam the institution could produce graduates who are ideal, when the structure of the curriculum does not give enough room for strengthening the common areas specifically and intensively, and vice versa. At the level of madrasah and Islamic Higher Education (IHE), the fulfillment of the national curriculum should diekstensifikasi the fields of Islamic and foreign language skills. It is not possible if done without learning is integrated with the pattern of pesantren (Islamic boarding school). With the pattern boarding education, strengthening professional fields can be carried out simultaneously with the strengthening of the Islamic areas of education and character (moral al-karimah). In addition, the interaction between educators and students with dormitory manager allows the creation of habituation in the use of foreign languages, a spirit of independence, a competitive academic culture, even that is not less important is the aspect of exemplary practice of religion.

Innovation and renewal are also needed in the management pattern of Islamic education. Because, in today's global society, Islamic education institutions are required to perform a productive, effective, transparent and accountable. On the other hand, the application of clean governance and good (clean and good governance) is the positive impact of democratization on the level of government which later became the demand at all levels of the organization, including at the level of educational institutions. Because, indirectly, good or bad management of education will have an impact on services to students at all levels of education.

As a result, Islamic education in all types, levels, shapes, and patterns need to be further strengthened its implementation role: first, from the scientific aspects need to be more specific differentiation between the orientation of the academic and life skills orientation . Second, in his capacity as the transmitter and the teaching of Islamic values ​​can be started with a familiarization and practice the teachings of Islam  at the institutional level (schools and seminaries). With two important roles in strengthening the Islamic education, religious community development constructed systemic, not only with the participation and awareness of the community itself, but also the facilitation efforts of the state through the Ministry of Religious Affairs as a regulator of education of Islam in Indonesia.

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