Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Formal Education and Non Formal Education

although it must issue a more. He was willing to work for the sake of children worked hard, even debts here and there, so that children can go to school! ƒ a spirit and a deep love of the parents in their children. With the hope of one day his son became a man educated, have a high position, even veiled hopes one day her son could continue his efforts that have been built and hope they can serve him (back when the parents live) - The views of parents are very reasonable, but there is one less thing to be noticed and that is no less important? non-formal education ".

Is it non-formal education ? Here the author will lead to a parent, that children from birth they have to absorb non-formal education is very strong, which later will form betrays itself (ages birth - 8 years). Many parents are not aware and my son loves to complain  Why stubborn ?  Why is my child like a lie? Why is my child quiet ? Why is my child lazy ? Why is my child's bad behavior ?  Why is my child's lack of confidence ? Why is my child rebellious? Why roughly speaking ? Why shy ? - The answer you will be astonished, that is to learn from their parents through non-formal education that is !  Parents are not aware of having to transfer it all to his son, who again has exceptional absorbency. in the brain stem carry well aware, the give information on him while receiving the same stimuli or something like that.

Formal education which, if imposed on a child with parental expectations, refusing to give children the opportunity to choose, would bring harm, a lot of smart kids succeed in the academic, but he was not able to apply it well, because these factors are non-formal education receipt. Have you ever experienced or seen the same thing? Is not he clever, even above 3 IP. Plunge into our society to see the vet, so a car broker, IT graduates to be security guards, engineers and market traders so many Union graduates, unemployed! ƒ easy to say we can not work, it is difficult to work, do not have the capital and others, in fact they do not have a strong mental, strong fighting spirit, like the inferior,  bad, bad communication, easily discouraged, not cooperation with people, hard to accept differences of opinion, easily offended and others ƒ truth of these coming from non-formal education received as a child of the nearest person! Good for parents who have children, consider from now on ! do not underestimate! Never again repeat the negative things in front of the child, as if the child was a child did not understand. Realize children are always learning in the brain is very relax state, capable of strong! (When measured with a ensefalograf, he was among a wave of Theta - Alpha) ƒ? Very wise if you already know and do! "

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