Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tips Being Success Principal

You are a Principal, Leading To succeed here are some tips that can be used as a reference
1. Creating a mission that focused on improving student achievement, curriculum and learning through practice that allows the creation of improved student achievement.
2. High expectations for all students in learning the lesson material at a higher level.
3. Appreciate and encourage the implementation of good instructional practices, so as to motivate and increase student achievement.
4. Understanding how to lead the school organization, in which all teachers and staff can understand and care about their students.
5. Utilizing data to initiate efforts to improve student achievement and educational practices in schools and in the classroom constantly.
6. Keeping everyone can focus on student achievement.
7. Making the parents as partners and build collaboration to benefit students' education.
8. Understanding the process of change and have the leadership to be able to manage and facilitate change effectively.
9. Understanding how adults learn (read: teachers and staff) as well as knowing how to enhance efforts to form a meaningful change in the quality of continuous professional development for the benefit of students.
10. Utilize and manage time to achieve the goals and objectives of school improvement through innovative ways.
11. Obtain and utilize resources wisely.
12. Seek and obtain support from government, community leaders and parents for a variety of school improvement agenda.
13. Continuous learning and working with colleagues to develop new research and educational practices that have proven

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